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Free Persona

  • 1 Consumer Persona

  • Strategy Thoughtstarters: 3 Differentiation, 3 Acquisition, 3 Activation Strategies

  • Full Marketing Strategy Kit

  • Full Brand Strategy Kit

Marketing Strategy Kit

  • Unlimited Consumer Personas

  • Strategy Thought Starters: 3 Differentiation, 3 Acquisition, 3 Activation Strategies

  • Features Deep Dive

  • Features List: AI Generated features you have or should add. Edited & confirmed by you for fully tailored solution

  • Reasons to Believe: AI Generated ways to bring credibility. Edited & confirmed by you for fully tailored solution

  • Emotional, Social, and Functional Jobs To Be Done: Discovery the underlying motivations of your users for empathetic communications

  • Features Score: Understand which features people care about. Scores on each feature's ability to differente, ressonate emotional, and hook consumers. Averaged to prioritize

  • Feature Hook: One liner to concisely communicate every feature

  • Marketing Activation for each of top 5 features

  • Creative Platform: Creative ideas that serve as a platform for all marketing communications

  • Focus Media Channels: Marketing channels that best serve your persona and showcase feature including how to activate and best practices

  • Key Competitors: Who is best activating each feature

  • Differentiation Ideas: Stand out from the crowd

  • Distribution Ideas: The best sales channels to target

  • Full Brand Strategy Kit

Brand Strategy Kit

  • Unlimited Consumer Personas

  • Strategy Thoughtstarters: 3 Differentiation, 3 Acquisition, 3 Activation Strategies for each persona

  • Brand Identity

  • Brand Archetype: Starting Point for Brand Personality. AI Generated Recommendations. Edited & confirmed by you for fully tailored solution

  • Brand Personality: What your brand should embody

  • Brand Voice: Communication style and tone. Examples how to communicate and how not to

  • Color Palette: Recommended primary and secondary colors including HEX code and what each communicates & how they align with your brand

  • Typography: One liner to concisely communicate every feature

  • Inspirational Brands: Brands across categories to inspire

  • Brand Foundations

  • Brand Story: The story you should tell in every communication. Your persona's journey and how your brand fits into their life

  • Key Competitors: Primary and secondary competitors

  • Competitive Vulnerabilies: Competitors' weakpoints to exploit

  • Ways to differentiate: Stand out from the crowd to win

  • Unique Value Proposition: The best sales channels to target

  • Elevator Pitch: How to describe your brand in 30 seconds

  • Brand Purpose: Your brand's reason for being

  • Brand Promise: What to consistently communicate

  • Emotions to evoke: How your user should feel from your marketing

  • Slogan: One sentence to summarize it all

  • Key Insights: User-centric ways to market

  • Marketing Plans: Bring it all to life

  • Evergreen Marketing Foundations: Updates to static content (i.e. Website, Email flows, Blogs)

  • Free Campaign Ideas: Centralized Campaign Idea, Topics, Free to activate

  • Low-Cost Campaign Ideas: Centralized Campaign Idea, Topics, $50-$200 cost to activate

  • Medium-Cost Campaign Ideas: Centralized Campaign Idea, Topics, $200-$500 cost to activate

  • High-Cost Campaign Ideas: Centralized Campaign Idea, Topics, $500-$5,000 cost to activate

  • Priority Media Channels: Where to find your persona

  • Creative Platforms: More creative platforms to create marketing to

  • Content Ideas: 10 additional content ideas

  • Marketing Strategy Kit

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