Marketing Strategy Kit

Real Marketing Strategy Output. How to to use it and why it matters.


This is actual output from our Marketing Strategy Kit and how to use it. As an early customer, you'll be able to generate this for unlimited brands and personas for life. At some point, unlimited generations will be a premium priced product, but we'll never revoke or downgrade your access.

Free User Persona. Available without credit card or email

How to think about it: Your Persona is a specific person you envision when communicating your product. It's meant to inspire communication. Why it matters: Great marketing is a conversation with your consumer. Imagining one specific person helps create authentic, resonant messages. Starting with a specific user also provides context for our AI model.

Demographics Who your persona is. Your brand should be someone they'd hang out with.

Persona Demographics

Product Goals How your brand fits into their lives, their expectations and needs.

Persona Goals

Free Strategy Thoughtstarters. Login to receive. No credit card required.

Specific steps to strengthen your brand today.

Free Strategies

Step 1: Confirm Your Features. Everything below is available with Marketing Strategy Kit Purchase

How to think about it: A starting point for current and future features. Edit to fit your brand. Features can be literal (24/7 customer service) or how your brand operates (authentic, easy communication).

Why it matters: After confirmation, you'll get details on communicating and prioritizing each feature. This helps tailor your Brand Strategies.

Product Features

Step 2: Confirm Your Reasons To Believe.

How to think about it: Reasons to believe are why someone would trust your feature. The model gives you a starting point. They can include:

  • Consumer testimonials & reviews
  • KPIs (e.g., “80% of clients saw 2X conversion”)
  • Founder story
  • Your expertise
  • Unique processes or sourcing (e.g., hand-roasted coffee beans or beans from a family farm in Hawaii)
  • Specific design features (e.g., luxury hotel highlighting thread count for a sense of luxury)

Why it matters: Including reasons to believe boosts credibility. Confirming accuracy tailors the model to you. This is the last step to confirm.

Reasons to believe

Your Features Card. You get one for every feature you have.

Jobs to be done.

How to think about it: Jobs to be done (JTBD) are the specific tasks your customers need to accomplish with your product. Think about what drives their purchasing decisions and how your product fits into their lives.

Why it matters: Understanding JTBD helps you create products that truly meet your customers' needs. It ensures your marketing and product development are aligned with real customer motivations, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Jobs to be done

Feature Hook.

How to think about it: A Feature Hook is a catchy phrase that highlights specific features of your product. It’s designed to quickly grab attention and convey the unique benefits your product offers.

Why it matters: A well-crafted Feature Hook can make your product stand out, making it easier for consumers to understand and remember its key benefits. This increases interest and engagement, driving higher conversions and sales.

Feature Hook

Prioritization Score. Edit any scores you disagree with.

How to think about it: A Prioritization Score evaluates features based on differentiation, prevalence, emotional impact, and hook potential. It helps you decide which features to highlight. You will get marketing strategies for the top 5.

Why it matters: With limited time to grab consumers' attention, focusing on high-priority features ensures you make the most impact quickly and effectively.

Features Score

Marketing Plan

How to think about it: Specific marketing activations designed to highlight your best features.

Why it matters Focusing on your best features with targeted marketing actions maximizes impact and engagement, ensuring your message reaches and resonates with your audience effectively.

Creative Platform

How to think about it: Central idea that highlights a feature and can be expanded across all marketing communications and channels.

Why it matters A unified Creative Platform ensures consistent and cohesive messaging, enhancing brand recognition and making your marketing efforts more effective across all channels.

Focus Media Channels

How to think about it: The best outlets to highlight your feature and reach your target audience, including activation steps and best practices.

Why it matters Using the right channels ensures your message effectively reaches and engages your audience, maximizing impact.

Creative Content Ideas

How to think about it: Specific concepts to highlight features on key channels.

Why it matters Tailored content ideas ensure your features are effectively showcased, engaging your audience across the right channels.


How to think about it: Those who excel at highlighting each feature and what they emphasize.

Why it matters Understanding key competitors helps you see what works well and identify opportunities to differentiate your product.


How to think about it: New ways and places to sell your product.

Why it matters Expanding your distribution increases your product's reach and accessibility, driving more sales and growth.